Contact the recreational organization that you would like your child to join and confirm that they have a space for your child and register the child with the organization while gathering information for the HTKP application. You can indicate that you are requesting financial support from HTKP.
Fill out the application and forward it to the Chairperson designated on the application form. You will get a confirmation back from the Chairperson indicating the funding agreement. A cheque will then be processed and forwarded directly to the recreational organization.
To qualify for consideration for funding support, the following must exist:
- You must submit an HTKP application
- The child must live in the Tottenham, Beeton and surrounding area.
- The family must have financial needs such that the child would not be able to participate without the funding (no financial statements or other proof of need is required , your word is accepted).
- Your child must be accepted by the recreational organization.
- The child must be 16 years or younger.
A child will be considered for funding for additional years but an application is required for each year.